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Graphic Communications International Union

The Amalgamated Lithographers of America (ALA) and the International Photoengravers Union of North America (IPUNA) merged on September 7, 1964 into the Lithographers and Photoengravers International Union (LPIU). On September 4, 1972 the LPIU and the International Brotherhood of Bookbinders (IBB) merged to form the Graphic Arts International Union, subsequently renamed Graphic Communications International Union.


Amalgamated Lithographers of America Local 24:
Dinner photo from April 27, 1923
Dinner photo of 25th anniversary on May 14, 1927
Theodore T. Meyers: Past President of the Union elected January 1, 1951
Photograph of President Meyers
Obituary Press Release: "The printing trades and organized labor in the tri-state area lost one of their most diligent, vigorous and colorful leaders when Ted Meyers passed away Sunday, January 10, 1982...."
A Union President Recaps His Local's History
Brief History of Local 24 written in 1956 by Theodore T. Meyers
Past Presidents
Brief list of past presidents compiled by Louis Blauth


Pittsburgh Stereotypers Union No. 56
Chartered January 1, 1902
Constitution and By-Laws Booklet