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Fannie Sellins

Labor Martyrs

Joseph Strzelecki


          "Fannie Sellins, who helped to organize thousands of steel and iron workers in western Pennsylvania's Alle-Kiski Valley was murdered just before the strike began.  Born Fannie Mooney in New Orleans in 1872, she later moved with her family to St. Louis where she worked in a clothing factory and helped organize Local # 67 of the United Garment Workers.  Her union activities brought Sellins to the attention of Van Bittner, presidentof the United Mine Workers District 5.  In 1913 she went to work for the UMWA in Colliers, West Virginia, aiding families who had been driven out of their homes by the Pennsylvania and West Virginia Coal Company.  Sellins moved to the Alle-Kiski valley in 1916, where her work with the miners' wives proved to be an effective way to organize workers across ethnic barriers.  She also recruited black workers, who originally came north as strikebreakers, into the UMWA.  During a tense confrontation between townspeople and armed company guards outside the Allegheny Coal and Coke company mine in Brackenridge on August 26, 1919, Fannie Sellins and miner Joseph [Strzelecki] were brutally gunned down.  A coroner's jury and a trial in 1923 ended in the acquittal of two men accused of her murder."

Excerpt from Peter Gottlieb, "Shaping a New Labor Movement, 1917-1941",  Keystone of Democracy, A History of Pennsylvania Workers.  Howard Harris ed., 1999. p. 170.

Court and Investigation Documents:

Fannie Sellins


Filed September 26, 1919

click left to read verdict, testimony and other documents related to the Sellins case

Joseph Strzelecki


Filed September 26, 1919

click left to read verdict, testimony and other documents related to the Strzelecki case

General Documents:
(Bound with papers of Joseph Strzelecki)